Family Mahadik

We are adoptive parents of a lovely beautiful girl, Swara who has brought a new meaning to our lives. She has given us a purpose beyond all purposes – of raising her, shaping her views, moulding her to become an extraordinary woman we can be proud of. In doing that, we find ourselves growing too; each day, each hour, each minute that we spend with her.

Mahadik FamilyBeing a child with her, laughing with her, crying with her, feeling surprised, elated, excited at pretty much everything. From the mundane to the exotic, we find ourselves looking at everything with innocent eyes, with a renewed hope about life even with all its trappings. This was not the case before. Before she came into our lives, it was incomplete and riddled with many questions, many uncertainties. Most of those concerning a child’s absence in our lives.

Today we are glad we got through those tough times and emerged to live a life that’s incredible in every sense of the word. Having said all this, we have but one fear. Of the time when we will have to tell our daughter that we are not her biological parents. How will she react? This question nags us each day. We know there are no easy answers. The silver lining for us is our faith in our daughter’s intrinsic goodness that will see her sail through the rough and tumble of life, smoothly.

Yet, we have begun to prepare ourselves for any eventuality and at the same time have set ourselves to groom her to be an independent thinking individual who does not lose sight of the values we inculcate in her.