Internationally recognised choreographer and single adoptive parent
I am very thankful to Ms. Kalro and her team at Bal Anand for believing in my dream of adoption and making it a reality. It took years of perseverance in face of uncertainty, fighting my right to adopt even as a single male, and then multiple visits to many orphanages till I came to Bal Anand. At Bal Anand, they understood and respected my beliefs, they looked at my thoughts in a modern perspective. Then began a year long process of detailed scrutiny, thorough investigation of my background, my family, my financial and social standing.
The day I met Arjun for the first time, I knew all the effort and work was well worth it. His impish smile got me closer to him and I got the then two-and-a-half-year old Arjun home. I am glad that my son is now a part of my life making it further more happy and exciting. I wish all the best to the team of Bal Anand and say a big thank you, for all what they have done for me and my family, we feel indebted to them for a lifetime.